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They are essentially heads of departments and each land at a post where particular problems arise

Pr Anyangwe Florence Angabe, wife Fonteh, head of department of animal productions at the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences
Professor Florence Anyangwe is a specialist in animal production issues. Born on August 12, 1960, she completed her studies as agronomist at the National School of Agronomy in 1985. She supported a Master’s degree in 1989 and began teaching. In 2001, she supported a doctoral thesis in her field. In 2007, she rose to the rank of Senior Lecturer. She has published more than thirty scientific articles, co-authored six books, directed three doctoral theses in biotechnology and animal production, ten research Masters and 15 Masters of agronomists. In terms of administrative responsibilities, she has been in charge of the distance learning center at Dschang University since 2007. Prior to this appointment on 16 December 2014, she had a foothold at the University of Bamenda, where she was head of the Division of Programs and Teaching at the College of Technology. She replaces the Department of Animal Production, Pr Yacouba Manjeli, called to assert his rights to retirement.

The Animal Production Department is the one that makes the most doctors at FASA. Several major research projects are underway. The best known are the goat molecular characterization project and the cobail project, both funded by the Eastern and Central Africa Biosciences – ILRI, a research institution based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Prof. Albert Gouaffo, Head of Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The day after his appointment, Professor Albert Gouaffo took the temperature of the structure he is now called to animate. “The Department of Applied Foreign Languages ​​is like a faculty. I just did the statistics. There are 2500 students, 38 temporary teachers, 22 permanent teachers. It is a heavy burden to carry. I’am aware. I believe that with the participation of colleagues, teachers and the entire administrative body, this burden will be lightened and that we will, with the collaboration of the predecessor, bring the flagship of our department forward. Because, the department of LEA is, beside the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, one of the windows of the University of Dschang. Regarding the problems, I immediately carried out a social audit immediately after my appointment. I have at this moment an instrument that I wish to apply after approval of my hierarchy. ”

Indeed, the department of LEA has six streams in the Bachelor cycle: bilingual letters, French letters, modern English letters, trilingual letters (French-English-Spanish), trilingual letters (French – English – German), trilingual letters ( French – English – Italian). At the second cycle, there is a professional Master in Translation with five options, and a Master in language science, literature and culture with five streams: French and Francophone Studies, Germanic Studies, Hispanic Studies, Italian Studies, English and Commonwealth Studies. Added to this is the fruitful cooperation with Italy, which gave birth to the Italian university center. That’s all that will have to be managed.

Professor Gouaffo has the profile of employment. Born in 1965, he graduated in German at the University of Yaounde. In the Federal Republic of Germany where he continues his studies, he passes the Master’s degree, the Doctorate and a habilitation to direct the researches. A specialist in Germanic literature, comparative literature and intercultural communication, he was recruited at the University of Dcshang at the grade of assistant in 1998, he became Lecturer in 2000 and Lecturer in 2006. According to his remarks, he will be in a few hours, a full professor of universities. His knowledge, he will have taught, besides the University of Dschang, the University of Saarland in Germany, the College of Illinois in the USA, the University of Yaounde I and Omar Bongo University of Libreville . He is the author of two monographs, some forty articles published in journals and books. In terms of research supervision, he has already co-directed eight PhD theses. He is also a leader because he is the coordinator of the National Union of Higher Education Teachers in Dschang.

Pr Jacques Chatue, Head of Department of Philosophy-Sociology-Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The epistemologist Jacques Chatue does not discover his functions, since he assumed them unofficially. Students affectionately call him “the great scholar”. And yet, he remains discreet and of a rare humility. Born February 7, 1958 in Ngam in the Southern Region, it is the univer. This specialist in organic chemistry comes from the University of Yaoundé I, where he coordinated the Training and Research Unit in Chemistry and Application. Born June 19, 1960 in Loum, he studied at the University of Yaoundé. He was recruited to the rank of assistant in 1992. He passed Lecturer in 1996. After the defense of his doctorate of state in 2001, he was promoted to the rank of Lecturer in 2005. He is a professor since 2011. He has already supervised eight doctoral theses and thirty master’s theses. He has conducted several research missions in Cameroon and abroad. Chemistry students who showed the need for a specialist in organic chemistry are now served.

Pr Albert Gouaffo Journalducameroun.com / Hindrich Assongo)

Theodore Moluh, Delegate in the functions of Head of Department of Architecture and Engineering at the Institute of Fine Arts Foumban
“It is not every day that the Minister of Higher Education delegates someone who is not from the higher education sector to the post of head of department. The fact is bright enough to be relieved, “said the Rector, Pr Anaclet Fomethe, in his installation speech. Engineer architect, former president of the Order of Architects of Cameroon, Theodore Moluh was born in 1950 in Foumban. He graduated from the National Polytechnic School in Athens, Greece, up to the level of the Master degree in 1984. He is the first ever head of IBAF’s architecture and engineering department. in Foumban. Since the opening of this branch in 2010, he has been involved as a teacher. Expert of the Ministry of Public Procurement, “his many achievements in Cameroon and abroad speak for his benefit,” said the Rector. It asks the promoted to ensure visibility in the training curricula, the national and international influence of this sector and the integration of graduates in the field.

Prof. Ghislain Tchuen, Head of Department of Thermal Engineering at the University Institute of Technology Fotso Victor of Bandjoun
Professor Tchuen goes down in history as the first head of thermal engineering department at IUT Fotso Victor of Bandjoun. It will be up to him to set up the educational project of this department. He was born on March 19, 1973 in Enongal. Lecturer, it was at the Polytechnic School of Marseille that he defended his doctoral thesis in mechanics-energy, in 2003. It is still there that he will support his work of habilitation to direct the research in 2011. He is author of several articles and books and expert of several journals. He directs several PhD students. Former head of the computer unit of IUT Fotso Victor of Bandjoun, he was previously Head of Department of General and Basic Science.

Professor Jacques Chatue during the installation ceremony at the University of Dschang


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