DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM / PhD in language sciences, Literatures and cultures
It was held this February 25, 2019 at the faculty of letters and human sciences of the University of Dschang, a PhD / PhD Colloquium in Language Science, Literature and Culture (SLL). This symposium, organized by the Dschang School of Arts and Social Sciences and the Department of Applied Foreign Languages (LEA), was actively attended by all involved.
Workshops have been set up to carry out these moments of scientific exchange. Each workshop consisted of six (06) members of the jury, each consisting of a president assisted by five (05) members.
All this arsenal of professors and doctors had for mission to follow the presentations of the thesis projects of the doctoral students, in order to evaluate them, while helping them by the suggestions, to the improvement of their works.
At the end of these moments of exchange and communion with the “very full heads”, doctoral students are now more oriented. Pending the next seminars, PhD students are expected to continue their work taking into account the suggestions made to them.
Long live science!

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